Welcome to the Meta Mind Shift Show, episode 5. Join your guide – NiKole Maxwell, Metaverse Goddess as she connects with…whoa you gotta wait and see. The Metaverse is for everyone. But how will you show up? How will your Avatar represent you? What will your relationship be like with your avatar? Will you have to get a whole new wardrobe for it? (her? him?) Will you be able to create the avatar that you WANT to represent you or will you be stuck with carbon copies and no cheek bones?
nIts time for a Meta Mind Shift – what does it look like to “be” an Avatar?
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nWelcome to the Meta Mind Shift Show with your guide – NiKole Maxwell. What is the Metaverse? What does it mean to us? Join us as we explore and experience the Metaverse. We have a whole new world being built up around us and we are going to reach out and touch it! Special guests will come from around the blockchain, specialists in Web3, Crypto, NFTs, DAOs and more will tap in to discuss new technologies, community challenges and issues that no one else is talking about. Its time for your Meta Mind Shift, its time to Discover the Metaverse, lets go! MetaMindShift.com
nThank you to our sponsors, Artsy in VR, Black Business Network, EE Testing Center of Inglewood, CA. Sponsors welcome – info@technikole.com – get your commercial played on an international stage. Guests wanted – request a slot at info@technikole.com. Metaverse experiences wanted – add yours to our showcase at – info@technikole.com.
nRoku, Hulu, Twitter, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Fire, LinkedIn, Twitch, Castbox, Amazon Music, Google Play, RadioPublic, Stitcher, RSS and many more!
nBrought to you by NiKole Maxwell, Marc Lee, Black Business Network and PodTV / International Broadcast Media.
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