Month: September 2022

  • Meta Mind Shift Show [S1, E8] Catching Our Breath

    This week we take a step back and remark at how fast time and space move in the Metaverse…September is almost over. Wow.



    Welcome to the Meta Mind Shift Show with your guide – NiKole Maxwell, Metaverse Goddess  What is the Metaverse? What does it mean to us?   Time to get some answers. Join us as we explore and experience the Metaverse.  We have a whole new world being built up around us and we are going to reach out and touch it!  Special guests will come from around the blockchain, specialists in Web3, Crypto, NFTs, DAOs and more will tap in to discuss new technologies, community challenges and issues that no one else is talking about.


    SUBSCRIBERS to our Spotify channels receive addtional benefits including bonus footage, blooper reels, special moments and addtional tutorials as well as sneak peeks and first takes on new innovations.  Subscribers receive special pricing on Community access and premium affliate connections.


    =========  💚   Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! 💚 ===========  Its time for your Meta Mind Shift, its time to Discover the Metaverse, lets go!  Thank you to our sponsors, Black Multiverse Enterprises, Artsy in VR, Black Business Network, EE Testing Center of Inglewood, CA, Black ‘Verse a Metaverse Community, Technikole Consulting.


    Additional sponsors welcome & Metaverse experiences wanted – add yours to our showcase at –


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  • Meta Mind Shift Show [S1, E7] Black ‘Verse Summit Special GRAND WOO, Renaissance, Dr Eric Kelly III

    Welcome to Episode 7 of the Meta Mind Shift Show with your guide – NiKole Maxwell, Metaverse Goddess. Today we are going to catch up with the speakers from this weeks Black ‘Verse Summit. Tune in to get to know our special guests. GRANDWOO is a composer and an artist making his way through the blockchain. Renaissance is a photographer, enlightening souls to the plight of the Black Woman from a historical perspective.  Special Premier of GRAND WOOs new track entitled WAVES.  


    Grab a new NFT by GRAND WOO | WAVES  Support Renaissance  Co Streamed to Black ‘Verse TV Sponsors check out –


    Co Streamed to Black ‘Verse TV* 


    Sponsors check out – 



     =========  💚   Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! 💚 ===========   What is the Metaverse? What does it mean to us?   Time to get some answers. Join us as we explore and experience the Metaverse.  We have a whole new world being built up around us and we are going to reach out and touch it!  Special guests will come from around the blockchain, specialists in Web3, Crypto, NFTs, DAOs and more will tap in to discuss new technologies, community challenges and issues that no one else is talking about.

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  • Commercial: Power of Decentralization (Black ‘Verse Summit 2022)

    Register for the Black ‘Verse Summit!


    Tickets on sale – Eventbrite | Use code “VCAST” for 10% off


    Join us on September 15 & 16th | 9AM to noon EST


    Black ‘Verse Metaverse Community is hosting our first Black ‘Verse Summit and you are invited to jump in!


    The theme for our first summit is the ‘POWER OF DECENTRALIZATION”. It will be a virtual community get together to remember. We will hone in on the blockchain, Web3 and the Metaverse as we progress towards a decentralized future.


    Our speakers this year include:

    • Najah Roberts, Crypto Blockchain Plug
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    • Artsy, Artsy in VR, Creating the Metaverse
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    • Dr Eric Kelly III, Black Business Network
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    • Kristopher Webster, Avatar Convention Center
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    • Dr Tammy Francis, Catalyst for Change Global
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    • GRAND WOO, Music on the Blockchain
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    • Jiminica Jet, Play to Earn and Win
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    • Sonia Kumi, Koss Preneur (Phygitals)
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    • Nes Rox, African Museum of the Metaverse
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    • Kwame Symbolik, TechMisfits
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    • Ira Revels, Black Tech Futures Media
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    • Wiliam & Aida Jackson
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    • Sheera Sabur, Afrofuturism
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    • Fred Brandon, Flames Foundation
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    • Marcus Carey, Tribe of Hackers
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    We will be present in various Metaverse communities and streaming those that are not browser based.




    Jump into the Metaverse with the Black ‘Verse community!

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  • Meta Mind Shift Show [S1 E6] What the AI? Traditional Artist Meets AI, Dr Eric Kelly III

    Are you a traditional artist? Do you wonder what the Metaverse has in store for you? Are you feeling confused about AI or generated art? Catch up to your Meta Mind Shift with NiKole Maxwell as we talk to Dr. Eric Kelly, III a traditional artist, painter and visionary.   Dr Eric Kelly is the CEO and branding guru behind the Black Business Network, Black Business Expo and the Black Business Olympics but he is also a lifelong traditional artist who has been drawing and painting for over 60 years.  His catalog of work began when he was 4 years old.  Hear his take on GAN and AI art, NFTs, and of course the future of art in the Metaverse.


     ==========  💚 Don’t forget to like, subscribe and follow 💚 ==========


     Welcome to the Meta Mind Shift Show with your guide – NiKole Maxwell, Metaverse Goddess  What is the Metaverse? What does it mean to us?   Time to get some answers. Join us as we explore and experience the Metaverse.  We have a whole new world being built up around us and we are going to reach out and touch it!  Special guests will come from around the blockchain, specialists in Web3, Crypto, NFTs, DAOs and more will tap in to discuss new technologies, community challenges and issues that no one else is talking about. 


    SUBSCRIBERS to our Spotify channels receive addtional benefits including bonus footage, blooper reels, special moments and addtional tutorials as well as sneak peeks and first takes on new innovations.  Subscribers receive special pricing on Community access and premium affliate connections.


     =========  💚   Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! 💚 ===========  Its time for your Meta Mind Shift, its time to Discover the Metaverse, lets go!  Thank you to our sponsors, Black Multiverse Enterprises, Artsy in VR, Black Business Network, EE Testing Center of Inglewood, CA, Black ‘Verse a Metaverse Community, Technikole Consulting. 


     Additional sponsors welcome & Metaverse experiences wanted – add yours to our showcase at –

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