Let’s Talk

Month: March 2024



    Its Endometriosis Awareness Month [March 2024]

    The “She Shamrocks | Endo Smiles Collection” celebrates the resilience and strength of women living with endometriosis through NiKole Maxwell’s vibrant digital portraits. Now in its 3rd annual iteration, the She Shamrocks series was created in 2022 to raise awareness for Endometriosis, while honoring Women’s History Month, and of course to provide PFP NFTs for “sistas” who love the color green during St Patrick’s Day holiday.

    She Shamrock NFT Collection Endometriosis Awareness Month
    She Shamrock NFT Collection Endometriosis Awareness Month

    For the 3rd installment in 2024, the series introduces two distinct collections – the raw “Endo Pangs” portraits unveiling the vulnerability of and pain of “endo warriors”, and the uplifting “Endo Smiles” celebrating those who face the invisible illness with grace and determination. Despite constant battles against debilitating pain, these smiling portraits radiate warmth, joy and an indomitable spirit that refuses to be dimmed.

    Beneath the bright smiles lies a harsh reality – the relentless agony of endometriosis impacting every aspect of life for millions worldwide. I hope that the artwork reminds us that hope and happiness many people deal with “unseen” invaders that disrupt their daily lives and they have no choice but to put on a happy face and smile through it. Ultimately compassion is needed along with understanding.

    The journey of She Shamrocks has evolved over the last few years. Beginning in 2022, the collection was created during the International Women of Blockchain conference. While NiKole was serving exhaustively as the CoCreator, Executive Producer, and creator of Futuristic Fridays in the Metaverse, she was battling a strong fight with Endometriosis. She found herself smiling on screen in between inner screams of pain. The evolution of She Shamrocks is one that really every woman can understand or anyone who has had to put on a “brave” face or tough it out. The collection showcases solidarity.

    2023 Inaugural She Shamrocks Collection
    2023 She Shamrocks Collection
    2024 She Shamrocks | “Endo Smiles” Collection

    Personalized Endometriosis Warrior NFTs & Merch

    Personalized Endometriosis Warrior NFTs & Merch In addition to the preminted Endo Smiles portraits, NFT holders can request a custom digital artwork featuring a name and details of their choice to honor a loved one’s endometriosis journey. What better way to support your family, friend or loved one than with a customized mug or keychain to show you care? For details contact – info@technikole.com. Available for NFT holders only.

    Don’t Know What Endometriosis Is?

    Endometriosis Gallery of the Metaverse Year 3
    Endometriosis Gallery of the Metaverse Year 3

    Explore the immersive Endometriosis Info Gallery of the Metaverse in Spatial at technikole.com/endo for a virtual experience raising awareness about this debilitating condition (no headset required).

    #endometriosis #awareness #technikole #sheshamrocks

  • The Future of Search Filtering: Empowering the Right to Choose?

    The Future of Search Filtering: Empowering the Right to Choose?

    As AI language models like ChatGPT become increasingly sophisticated, the online world is being flooded with AI-generated content across websites, social media, and more. This raises important questions about transparency, authority, and the ability for users to make informed choices about the content they consume.

    The Challenge

    A user searching for information on a topic could encounter pages and posts created entirely by AI with no clear indication of the authorship.

    Currently, search engines like what Google is known for, do not offer distinction between human-written and AI generated content in their results. A user searching for information on a topic could encounter pages and posts created entirely by AI with no clear indication of the authorship. As AI language models improve, it will become harder to distinguish the two sources.

    The lack of transparency surrounding AI-generated content creates significant challenges. We’re already seeing issues arise, with AI now producing a vast array of content beyond just text. This includes videos, images, reports, datasets, and even seemingly factual figures that can be misleading. As AI language models become more sophisticated, their ability to mimic human communication styles grows. While this offers users a wider variety of content formats and voices to explore, it also makes it increasingly difficult to distinguish between human-created and AI-generated content.

    Another issue is that despite creator intent, the platform of note may not currently provide the option to publish said digital object with specific criteria in relation to AI. I ran into this exact issue when publishing the first few entries of the, “Ultimate Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse of the Future“. My intent as spelled out in the series, was to create a gamified series co-authoring “with AI”. However, I could not select an entity of “AI” as a collaborator leading to rejected publications of several entries in the series. It ultimately became more time intensive than expected so it went on pause until we work some things out. Eventually I removed the collaborative approach and the Technical Twin did find its way to the Amazon Kindle shelves.

    Let Us Have Options

    There are already examples plenty of other examples where AI-authored content has spread misinformation due to hallucinations or made up “facts.” As engaging as recent language models are, we’re not yet at a point where they can be “trusted” as authoritative sources on many topics. That said, AI could certainly play productive roles in content creation workflows by assisting human writers which is where these options come into play again.

    The future of search will need “strong” filtering options to let users choose the type of content they prefer. Some potential filtering approaches include:

    1. Human-Crafted Content This option would only surface pages, articles and posts known to have been written by human beings with no AI involvement. Users could have higher confidence in the authenticity and accountability of the sources.
    2. AI-Generated Content Conversely, for users wanting to explore the cutting-edge capabilities of language models, results could be limited to content generated entirely by AI with no human involvement.
    3. Hybrid or Collaborative Human + AI Content This filter could favor content combining human authorship with AI assistance. For example, an article written by a person but with an AI handling tasks like research, ideation, outlines or drafting.

    Ethical Considerations Abound Here Too

    I could easily write a whole book on “Ethical Content Curation in the AI Era: The Case for Search Filters by Authorship Type.” The point is that by Providing transparency into whether content was human-authored, machine-generated, or a hybrid allows people to make informed decisions about what they consume online. It gets at issues of accountability, authority, and potential bias or hallucinations in AI outputs versus human judgement. Not going to lie there are some days when I don’t want to do this for example how much is the equivalent of “hybrid or collaborative”? What equates to help? Is it a single use? 5? What about forum posts? Our emails are already inclusive of AI Assistance possibilities do we need to declare there too?

    We suspect the approach to implementing this new form SEO filtering will be an ongoing strategy and solution, much like it is today. As solutions to formal content labeling standards that specify the level of human and AI involvement in a piece come out we need to ensure the majority are not the only ones cared for. We need to ensure that voices are not stifled because they needed the assistance of AI for example: those with early onset memory issues that use AI to prompt for gaps in their historical memory (no one would know if they used search today so why should future articles indicate they used AI Assistance? Those recovering or impaired by trauma such as TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) or a stroke could use AI to help them “talk” on a YouTube video, should they be penalized by SEO for that? Reading and editing your work if you are dyslexic might see a big reduction in stress by using AI. Future search engine algorithms that work in tandem with the (possibly) newly created filters cannot under any circumstances prevent voices like these from being found and thereby heard.

    Another approach may utilize advanced (NLP) Natural Language Processing to attempt to detect human versus AI text on the fly. The challenge with this would be again hallucinations, ethical considerations (AI is not perfect), and creative intent. Given the rapid evolution of language models, this could be an incredibly complex challenge requiring frequent retraining and updates.

    Whatever path gets taken, empowering users with granular search filtering choices for AI and human-crafted content may become essential well before we are ready for it – like in the upcoming US Elections. Allowing people to make informed decisions about what they want to consume will be imperative but we might not have any way to do so other than the human eye (and honor system) which right now is widely untrained.

    While recognizing that generative content AI models are and will be incredibly powerful aids in many scenarios, there will always be an important role for authentic human communication, authorship and creative expression online. We must always remember the future is an intelligent collaboration between people and systems , and should never represent as a full scale replacement of one for the other.

  • Celebrating the Brilliance of Black Women in IT

    Celebrating the Brilliance of Black Women in IT

    Empowering Diversity in Tech

    Today is International Women’s Day, a day in our month of Women’s History. I find it incredibly timely to bask in the joy of discovering a vibrant community within Black Women in Technology. It’s a celebration of sisterhood, resilience, and empowerment that fills me with gratitude and inspiration at every connection.

    In the dynamic space that is Information Technology (IT), Black Women in Technology have found a friend, empowerment and solidarity, thanks to the tireless efforts of visionary leader Lori Mitchell. As the founder of our vibrant community, Lori has dedicated herself to championing diversity, challenging stereotypes, and paving the way for future generations of Black Women in Technology.”

    Being a Black woman in the world of Information Technology (IT)( and the Metaverse!) has its unique set of challenges. Every day, we confront biases, stereotypes, and obstacles that threaten to dim our brilliance. Yet, in the midst of adversity, we have found solace and strength within the supportive network of Black Women in Technology.

    This community is a technical home —a place where we uplift each other, share experiences, amplify our voices and seek advice…as well as share in our curiosity and passion for technology. It’s a space where our achievements are celebrated, our talents are recognized, and our dreams are nurtured. Together, as women, we navigate the complexities of our industries with resilience and determination, knowing that we are stronger together.

    This month we celebrate Women’s History Month and today we celebrate simply being a woman. We are not simply women, we share in 3 of the most challenging realms on this planet, we are Women, we are Black Women, we are Black Women in Technology. We both are challenging and creating a legacy that continues to support and shape the future of technology.

    Always moving forward, we will continue to champion diversity, challenge stereotypes, and pave the way for future generations of Black Women in Technology, together. I’m grateful to have found my place within this remarkable community, thank you @Lori Mitchell, Founder, Technologist, Woman. #BWIT #BlackWomenInTechnology #BlackWomenInTech #Empowerment #Sisterhood #WomensDay #WomensHistoryMonth #WHM